Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 27

Since we finished reading The Wreck of the Zephyr which had a flying sailboat, we are now going to use our imaginations to create a story. What if the form of transportation you use the most enabled you to fly? How would that change how you get from place to place? Write a story that is 7-10 sentences. Be creative and descriptive. Examples: flying shoes, flying bike, flying car

Mrs. Albrecht's Example-

One day I was driving through Jerseyville trying to get to a doctor's appointment by 3:30. There were cars, trucks, motorcycles, and school busses waiting at red lights, and of course, I was at the back of the line. Just when I thought I was going to be late, my car began to fly. It slowly lifted off the ground and I was soaring high above the other vehicles. My flying car weaved in and out of the buildings, above and below power lines, and over and under tree branches. I could not believe my eyes! The view was awesome and took my breath away.

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